About Us

Thank you for taking the time to visit my webpage and support a small business. Below is a bit about me and how Shira’s Shooting Solution (pronounced Shy-rah) came to be and then evolved into Muskets To Machine Guns.
My Story
I have lived in Central Texas my whole life. Interestingly, I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, making me the black sheep of a quite liberal family.
After High School, I became a Firefighter/EMT before enlisting in the United States Marine Corps. I served for 4 years as an 0311 Infantryman. After leaving the Marines, I worked at Cabela’s in the gun counter/library before becoming a Police Officer. I served a rural police department in Central Texas for 9 years where I held a variety of positions including Field Training Officer, K9 Handler, SWAT Sniper, and Patrol Sergeant.
I founded Shira’s Shooting Solution in 2015 as a side hustle making a little extra money to buy guns. I enjoyed finding rare and unique guns, helping friends and associates with firearms transfers, and getting people into the sport. Fast forward a few years. The business had grown to the point where I couldn’t keep up with it while working in law enforcement. I made the decision to pursue my dream- owning and operating my own gun store. I still love finding rare/old/collectible guns (notably the odd ones), and now I enjoy helping people find a shooting solution that is right for them.